Thursday, 28 October 2010

Ετοιμασίες για το GBI 2011

Οι ετοιμασίες για το GBI 2011 έχουν ήδη αρχίσει! Μείνετε συντονισμένοι!

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Well Done...

We did it Ladies & Gentlemen..

First of all a big thank to all of our sponsors...Ericsson, Tellabs, Intracom & Vodafone
...without you guyz our cycling adventure would be only a dream
...but you helped us our dream to come true...

Second big thank to all Greek team...Fragkiskos, Manos, Nikos, Dionysis, Christina, Yiannis, Diana, Kostis, were great partners in this cycling marathon...we shared experiences...memories and many many many cycling km on the road...wet & dry...shiny & cloudy !!!!

And last but no least a big "thanks" to Stephan, Manfred, Ano, Nathalie my teamates of team 20 along with my friend and colleague of mine Yiannis that we were together in 7 out of 8 tracks and helped me to get through this amazing long ride from Prague 2 Disseldorf...but I have to warn you guyz...

train well the upcoming year because our average speed from Amsterdam 2 Disseldorf should be at least 25 Km/hr...!!!!

Well done and lets rest our knees without any more painkillers.

Posted by Konstantinos Tzevelekos

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Mission accomplished

We are all proud and happy to having finished the GBI 2010. It has been challenging, more difficult than last year's event and a great experience for all.

The last day included a beach party by the lake at Essen and a group ride of all 300 cyclists for the last 35 km to reach Dusseldorf. Police escort, loud music and a warm welcome by colleagues and friends.

A great thanks to our sponsors for their help and support. We will come back in the next days with many photos, videos and stories!

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Monday, 7 June 2010

Reached Dortmund - day 7

We have reached Dortmund. Today's ride was easy (with respect to profile). Mostly flat or downhill. Weather has been a bit cold on the start and for the first hours. We also had a bit of rain.

Nikos had to abandon the leg (protecting his hurt knee). The rest of the team is fine and we are all getting some rest and food now.

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Sunday, 6 June 2010

Μέρα 5: Bad Frankenhausen - Gottingen

Η πρόκληση συνεχίζεται. Τα χιλιομετρα μαζεύονται με γοργό ρυθμό. 610 χλμ μέχρι τώρα. Έχουμε ανέβει και κατέβει μάλλον όλους τους λόφους των περιοχών που περνάμε. Τα πόδια έχουν πλέον βαρύνει, και η δυσκολία της προσπάθειας είναι πλέον εμφανής σε όλους...

Παρά τα σποραδικά προβλήματα (κάποια μηχανικά, κάποια προβλήματα με πόνους σε γόνατα) η ομάδα συνεχίζει χωρίς απώλειες.

Ο καθένας με το γκρουπ που διαλέγει (ανάλογα με το ρυθμό που θέλει να ακολουθήσει) φτάνει στον καθημερινό προορισμό με την ικανοποίηση ζωγραφισμένη στο πρόσωπο.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Ready for day 5

Getting ready for 116 km and for countless hills summing up some 1200 m of ascending! Good weather

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4η μερα - Λειψια-Bad Frankenhausen

Με την πρωινή λιακάδα, έφτιαξε το κέφι όλων. Τα γκρουπακια σχηματίστηκαν ανάλογα με τις διαθέσεις, τις δυνατότητες και τις φιλίες που έχουν ηδη σχηματιστεί.

Ο Νίκος επέλεξε χαλαρό γκρουπ για να δοκιμάσει το γόνατο. Διονύσης, Μάνος, Κωστής και Φραγκίσκος αποφασίσαμε να δοκιμασουμε τα πόδια μας σε κατι γρήγορο. Μαζί με Αγγλο, Γερμανο και Βελγο πήγαμε σβελτα και φτάσαμε 2η ομάδα στο τερμα. Είπαμε δεν είναι αγώνας αλλα καμια φορά μας πιάνει το ανταγωνιστικο μας!

Και βέβαια δεν παραλειψαμε να απολαύσουμε καφε και γλυκο στα μεσα περίπου της διαδρομης σε υπέροχο σημειο (δείτε φωτογραφίες).

Τερματισμός σε μικρο γραφικό χωριο (bad frankenhausen) και διαμονή σε γειτονικο ακόμα μικρότερο (berga) ώστε να αποφύγουμε τον ύπνο στο γυμναστήριο. Το κλασσικο παρτι με μπυρες και hot dog, ποδηλατικό κουβεντουλα και πολλα πειραγματα, δεν ελειψε!

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Friday, 4 June 2010

Green fields

Κανοντας σήμερα ποδηλατο απο την Λειψια μέχρι το Bad Frankenhausen είχα την ευκαιρια να διαπιστωσω διαφορα πράγματα...

Μια και το θεμα των ημερών είναι ο καιρός, αρχίζω απο αυτο. Λαμπρή λιακάδα και ιδανικες θερμοκρασιες! Η χαρα του ποδηλάτη! Είχε λιγο παραπάνω αεράκι, αλλα μην τα θέλουμε κι ολα δικα μας! Βγήκαν το κοντομανικα!

Βλέποντας την απέραντη πράσινη έκταση, τα λιβάδια με τις καλλιέργειες και τα χαμηλά λοφακια της περιοχής, για κάποιο παράξενο λογο πήγε το μυαλο μου στο Μεσαιωνα και στις ορδές των διαφορων στρατώνα που κατέβαιναν απο τα βόρεια. Με τέτοια επίπεδη διαμόρφωση εδάφους ηταν εύκολο να μετακινούνται κατα χιλιάδες! Και προφανώς λόγω της ίδιας διαμόρφωσης εδάφους ήξεραν να δίνουν μάχες μονο παρατεταγμενοι σε φαλαγγες προσωπο με προσωπο! Θυμηθείτε το Braveheart κι άλλες παρόμοιες ταινίες και θα καταλάβετε τι εννοώ. Τέτοια απεραντοσυνη πρασίνου λειβαδιου δεν εχω ξαναδεί! Ευτυχώς δεν ηταν μονότονη η διαδρομη. Είχε και βουνά και πολλα γραφικά χωριά.

Οπως και η χθεσινή, είχε πολλα διαδοχικά λοφακια (αναβασεις του 10λεπτου) που διατηρούσαν τον αναβατη σε φορμα! Ο,τι έπρεπε για διαλλειματικη προπόνηση!

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When the rain begins to fall...

3rd day and the rain that came in the day before, stayed for good! It kept raining in Dresden all night long and continued the next day! We started from Dresden with lots of rain and really cold weather. Wednesday's weather (for which we were complaining a bit) was paradise compared to Thursday's! We cycled for several hours under the same lousy conditions. After 14:00 rain stopped and we even got some sunshine at the end (outside Leipzig).

We had one member of the team (Nikos) who decided (correctly) to take the day off. And give a rest to his knee. We had a second team member who decided it wasn't fun to keep getting soaked and called it a day after 80 km. We all came in safely and enjoyed the pasta dinner offered by Cisco. Although tired, some of us took the opportunity to do a small tour in Leipzig. The hotel was in the center of the town and so it was easy to see the old town. We were really impressed by Leipzig! Beautiful city!

The route from Dresden to Leipzig was phantastic and this was no surprise! Big green fields, nice forests, beautiful villages. All nicely organised, clean and tidy. The rain prohibited us from enjoying the scenery but we should it give it some credit because the route is really good, even better than last year's.

On a more personal level, I rode with a small international group (Italians, Dutch, Germans, Greeks). Good team, supporting each other through the difficult conditions. My experience with brevets proved useful (clothing, endurance, having ridden in the past under similar conditions). Got through fairly easily.

Weather will be great the next days so we are getting ready to enjoy even more. Not many pictures available since the rain was an obstacle for that also.

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Τα παιρνω ολα πίσω....απλά ψάχνω μια λέξη που να ξεπερνα σε μέγεθος και ένταση το χθεσινό μου σχόλιο περί βροχης. Αν χθες πνιγηκαμε στην βροχή σημερα απλα για πανω απο 4 ώρες και 100 χλμ αφησαμε την ποδηλασία και το ριξαμε σε θαλάσσια σπορ. Ασταματιτη βροχή με θερμοκρασίες μεχρι 11 βαθμούς. Μια χαρά με άλλα λογια. Η ψυχολογία κατω απο το πατομα μιας και έβρεχε απο το πρωι. Ευτυχώς ο ηλιος έκανε το θαυμα του και εμφανίστηκε καμια ώρα πριν φτάσουμε στην πανέμορφη Ληψια. Ηταν αρκετό για να στεγνωσουμε και ετσι ωδτε κάποιος να μην
πίστευε τι ειχαμε περασει ολη την ημερα. Για τα τοποια που περασαμε κανενα σχόλιο. Μακαρι να μπορουσα να σας μεταφερω έστω και κάποιες εικόνες απο αυτα που ειδα. Νιωθω πολυ τυχερός που ζω αυτα που ζω και κανω αυτο που κανω. Σας το συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα. Ξεκινηστε να κανετε ποδηλατο τωρα!!!!!
Παμε για άλλα αυριο, ελπίζοντας σε κατι πιο στεγνο και ζεστό!!!


Day III - Leipzig

Tough day...
We started with heavy rain from Dresden at 9.15 in the morning and for approximately 40Km we were cycling with all of our outfit and underwear totally wet!!!

Hopefully in the middle of our cycling adventure - journey the weather become better and we had the chance to enjoy the beautiful ride into the amazing landscapes.

Team 20 was in Leipzig..17.50 hrs ..with lot of water in the skirts but still with more energy to give the remaining days...

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Δεύτερη μέρα-Δρέσδη

Μέχρι να βγούμε απο την Τσεχία (ξεκινώντας απο το Litomerice) επαληθευσαμε ότι οι Τσέχοι οδηγοί είναι λίαν επικίνδυνοι! Μόλις περάσαμε τα σύνορα αισθανθήκαμε μια ανακούφιση. Κρίμα γιατί η διαδρομή ήταν υπέροχη.

Πρωινή αποχαιρετιστήρια τελετή και έξοδος απο την πόλη με συνοδεία αστυνομίας. Πάνω στη χαρά τους να μας δείξουν το ποδηλατικό μονοπάτι δίπλα στο ποτάμι, μας πέρασαν και δίπλα απο το εργοστάσιο επεξεργασίας λυμάτων! Κάπου 300 μέτρα ποδηλασίας χωρίς ανάσα (κυριολεκτικά!).

Τα χωριά μου φάνηκαν λιγότερο έρημα σήμερα. Είδα κατοίκους να κινούνται. Το πράσινο δεν έλειψε καθόλου. Αλλα αυτο που έγραψα σε προηγούμενο ποστ για το μπλε των ποταμών, πρέπει να το πάρω πίσω. Που το είδα; Μόνο καφέ είναι!

Το πέρασμα των συνόρων ήταν λιγότερο αντιληπτό και απο το αντίστοιχο περσινό (Ιταλίας - Ελβετιας). Εκεί υπήρχε κι ενας φυλακας που μας χαιρέτισε. Εδώ δεν υπήρχε ψυχή. Μόνο ενα τσιμεντενιο κατασκεύασμα.

Οι Γερμανοί οδηγοί (έστω και πρώην Ανατολικοί) είναι απόλυτα εξοικειωμένοι με τα ποδήλατα. Αισθάνεσαι ασφαλής ανά πάσα στιγμή. Καμιά φορά γκρινιάζουν αν δεν χρησιμοποιεις τον παρακείμενο ποδηλατοδρομο και είσαι στον κυρίως δρομο, αλλα μέχρι εκεί.

Η βροχή δεν σταμάτησε καθόλου. Και σε συνδυασμο με το κρυο και τον αερα, ηταν θεμα! Η αισθητή θερμοκρασία ηταν 5 βαθμοί. Με 30 χλμ/ωρα πανω στο ποδηλατο, δεν θέλω να σκεφτώ ποσο ακόμα έπεφτε αυτο το νούμερο!

Οι στάσεις ηταν μικρές για να μην παγωσουμε και κυρίως σε βενζινάδικα που είχαν και μινι μάρκετ (πλήρες με κρουασαν καφε ισοτονικα κλπ!). Ο ποταμός Ελβας μας έκανε καλη παρέα και μας έδειξε μερικά απο τα όμορφα τοπία του και τα γραφικά χωριά του. Σήμερα ήμουν για αρκετή ωρα σε διεθνές μικρο γκρουπ. Ιταλός, Γερμανος, Εγγλεζος, ο Νίκος κι εγω.

Συνολικά 115 χλμ. με 23 μωτ. Το βραδυ, η Vodafone D2 είχε φροντίσει για ενα πλουσιο Γερμανικό τσιμπουσι, σε ενα απο τα όμορφα σημεία της πόλης. Μιλάμε για πόλη με πολυ άπλα, παρκα, πράσινο κλπ. Μένουμε σε αξιοπρεπεστατο hostel. Στη φωτογραφια, γραφεια και εργοστασιο της VW μεσα στη Δρέσδη.


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Cross the border...

We went through the border today, passing from Czech to Germany. Before we did that, we managed to verify that the Czech drivers are among the most hostile and dangerous to cyclists!

We started off from Litomerice (beautiful and picturesque city in the Bohemia) after a small farewell party. The weather was already really cold (10 - 12 degrees) and the rain didn't take long to visit us. And once it came, it never went away! The ride was beautiful both in Czech as well as in Germany. Several kilometres by the Elbe river and the green of the surrounding trees was diminished by the fog (yes we had some fog also!). We had to take it slower for a few km to help Nikos.

Great party in Dresden given by Vodafone D2 to welcome us. Good food and a welcome from the Regional CTO! Thanks to everyone for their support. We are ready to continue tomorrow.

Posted by Fragkiskos

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Dresden - Nikos' Knee 1-0

A big thanks to the European team that encourage me to finish that day. Tomorrow i will rest a day hopefully to continue the day after.

Posted by Nikos

The road to Dresde

Second day, heavy rain and wind but we made it after all...... The team kept a good pace and we arrived at Dresde around 17:00. Now time to relax and regroup for tomorrow.

Posted by Yanni
Sent from my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

Μερα δευτερη....

Λιωσαμε στην βροχη....τοσο απλα και ομορφα. Τελεια διαδρομη με αδιακοπη βροχη και πολυ δυνατο αερα. Ευτυχώς περάσαμε τα συνορα και είμαστε πλεον Γερμανια γιατι οι Τσεχοι οδηγοι απλα δεν το έχουν.

Η πρώτη μέρα της περιπέτειας...
Πολύ κρύο και συννεφιά η οποία ευτυχώς ΔΕΝ εξελίχθηκε σε βροχή. Στα πεδινα σημεια ο αερας ηταν δυνατος. Το γκρουπαρισμα βοηθησε πολυ.

Οι Τσέχοι οδηγοί είναι επικίνδυνοι, επιθετικοί και εχθρικοί προς τους ποδηλάτες. Θέλουν περισσότερη προσοχή και απο τους Ελληνες οδηγούς!

Κάναμε 90 χλμ. Σε 4 ωρες και 10 λεπτά. Ατέλειωτα λιβάδια και καλλιεργημένες εκτάσεις. Ποτάμια και γέφυρες παντού.
Κάτι εργάτες που είχαν κλείσει το δρομο για να κάνουν εργα και ήθελαν να μας στείλουν 2 χλμ πίσω για να περάσουμε απο άλλο δρόμο. Τους αγνοησαμε και συνεχισαμε (ποδηλατο περνούσε άνετα, αυτοκινητο οχι).

Χαλιά οδόστρωμα σε αρκετά σημεία. Τρύπες στην άσφαλτο που μπορούν να διαλύσουν τροχούς και λάστιχα. Σήμανση υπάρχει μονο για αυτοκίνητα (οχι για ποδήλατα ) και οι ποδηλατοδρομοι είναι λίγοι.

Το Litomerice είναι γραφικό αλλα ερημο! Εχει όμως πολυ καλο και φτηνό φαγητο! Α, κι ενα ποτάμι που το διασχίζει!

Αύριο 115 χλμ συνολικά και πέρασμα στην (πρώην) Ανατολική Γερμανία.

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Monday, 31 May 2010

Reached Prague

We are in Prague. The bikes have been delivered by the cargo company and we spent an hour assembling them and preparing them. They are ready now.

We met some of the friends we made last year and had a quick chat about this year's plans. More on this from tomorrow.

We are now in a nearby restaurant, building some energy reserves :-)

We are starting tomorrow at 7 am

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Sunday, 30 May 2010

Everything is ready.....

Everything is ready even the gps files, route elevation profile and hotels contact info. I am a little bit worried about my bike, but everything will be ok at the end of the day :)

Friday, 28 May 2010

Last preparations

Bikes are already on their way to Prague with the cargo company. They will be waiting for us in Prague!
Charity money is still being raised and we are up to 8,500€ until now!
We are now setting (or trying to set!) our navigation systems (load Europe maps, load the tracks for each day, etc)!
We are also doing last minute buys of necessary things (like sunscreen or batteries!) and we are all in great anticipation of the event!

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Team is packing

Bank holiday today in Greece (Holy Ghost Monday). An opportunity for some time away from the office and (possibly) on the bike. But also a "packing day" for most of us. Bikes are supposed to be delivered to the cargo company tomorrow and the day after, in order to allow plenty of time for delivery on the 31st at Prague!

So most of the team members were today dissassembling their bikes and carefully packing them in their special bike bags! Tomorrow and Wednesday we will be transporting them to the cargo area at the airport!

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Training in the mountains

Weather forecast was far from ideal: Showers were forecasted and the forecast proved to be correct! But the three GBIers (Costis, Dimitris and Fragkiskos) had set up an early meeting for training in Parnitha and they did not intend to change their plans! After all, showers are much more likely in Czech Republic and in Germany next month!

So here they are, 9:00 in the morning of Saturday, starting for a 95 km circle from Tatoi. They went through Ano Liosia and Fili, and then started the first serious climb (Hasia). On the other side of the mountain, there are Skourta and Ag. Thomas. Then they went through Avlona and reached the mountain from another side (Malakasa) only to start the 2nd (and toughest) climb, Agios Merkourios. After that, Katsimidi and Varympopi were easy!

As said, a total of 95 km with more than 1550m of cumulative climbing! Much more hill climbing than expected on a normal GBI day! The rain was accompanying the three friends only for a little while, The mud was enough to cover the bikes and the clothing. But nothing would stop one of the best training sessions in one of the most beautiful areas of Attica!

Friday, 14 May 2010

Training - 100+ km & beautiful sunset

Wednesday's are training days. Members of the team do their best (witout always being successful) to leave the office on time (i.e. 17:30 - 18:00) in order to make it to the meeting point by 18:30. Provided they manage to put on their cycling apparel and join the rest of the team on time, they get the opportunity for a beautiful group ride, a good training session on their bikes and a magnificent view of the Saronic Gulf during sunset. Unforgetable and rewarding images!

Yesterday, Manos and Fragkiskos made it on time and although they didn't have the chance to coordinate, they both put on their new GBI 2010 jerseys!

The training session was great. A total of 105 km with an average speed of 28 km/h. They rode from Alimos to Katafygi (7 km after Anavyssos, towards Sounio Cape) and back. They both agreed that they are getting ready to cope with the 1,100+ km of the GBI 2010 adventure!

Monday, 10 May 2010

Charity raising

Starting from May 11th, the GBI 2010 participants from Greece will try to mobilise all Vodafone employees, in order to collect as much money as possible for the SOS Children Villages.

The start wil be with the Vodafone premises in Pallini. Two representatives of the team, Dimitris (Kitsanelis) and Dionysis (Alevizakis) will be in the buiding's entrance tomorrow morning, wearing our new jersey, giving out leaflets, available to explain all about GBI to their colleagues.

As said, everyone else who would like to make a donation, can do so by direct deposit to the Alpha Bank account 101-002002012356 (IBAN GR25 01401010101002002012356), with the indication GBI. 

On May 12th, Fragkiskos (Vellis) and Diana (Sioumi) will be in Lykovryssi premises, for the same reason, and the day after, Yiannis (Theanopoulos) and Dimitris (Kitsanelis) will be at Kifissos buiding. Next week, the team will mobilise the Headquarter's (Halandri). 

Updated (11/05): Dimitris ready to mobilise his colleagues entering Pallini premises!

Updated (12/05): Diana is doing her best to attract donations in Lykovryssi premises!

Updated (13/05): Six members of the team have been giving their best today in Halandri, K3 building. They attracted lots of attention, they raised awareness of the event and they manage to raise a significant amount of money for the SOS Children villages. And the effort goes on! 

Friday, 7 May 2010

The team's outfit

As already explained, all the money that the team manages to raise in this charity event, will go for the support of the SOS Children Villages of Vari. 

The team's expenses are covered by our sponsors. We have two Silver Sponsors (Ericsson and Tellabs) and two Bronze Sponsors (Vodafone Greece and Intracom Telecom). Needless to say that without our sponsors' support, we would probably not be able to pursuit our goal.

One of the many things that we do for our sponsors, is that we cycle though Europe wearing the team's outfit which hosts their logos, making them visible to all the areas that we through.

Today, we are happy to present the layout of this outfit. Starting next week, the cycling shorts and jerseys will be ready and we will start using them in training sessions and in charity raising events.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

March 27th, 2010 – Brevet of Pyrgos

Three members of the GBI 2010 team (Fragkiskos Vellis, Manos Gkiokas, Costis Contopoulos) participated in the Brevet of Pyrgos, on March 27, 2010. Brevets are cycling events of non-competitive nature and long (200, 300, 400 or even more km) distances. The rules include time limits for completing the path and for reaching specific, intermediate control points. Furthermore, support cars and external help are prohibited.

The brevet of Pyrgos is a 200km event, covering in essence a tour of the Municipality of Ilia in Peloponnesus. The three friends moved (by car) on Friday afternoon from Athens to Pyrgos, stayed overnight in Pyrgos and started their adventure on Saturday morning. Along with many (around 80) other cyclists, many of them good friends with whom we train together during weekends in Athens, we covered the 200km. Riding through the beautiful mountains of the area, passing by the reservoir of the area with the magnificent scenery around it and through picturesque villages, the three friends enjoyed the route, while at the same time they tested their physical endurance and their mental strength, spending 8 ½ - 9 hours on their bikes (with just a few 10 minute stops).

Finishing back at Pyrgos town, on Saturday afternoon was followed by a celebration dinner of the team and their friends, a couple of drinks, some rest and the return to Athens on Sunday morning. The three members of the GBI 2010 team have now added on more important cycling experience on their record!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Manos' adventure at Kastellia Marathon

Many of the team members are active in participating in various amateur races. They do it for the fun of it! Below is Manos' (Gkiokas) recent "adventure" in a mountain bike race. 


Kastellia Marathon  18/04/2010

On April 18th I took part in the last open mountain biking race for the season 2009-2010.
60 km of mad, sweat and pain confirmed the host’s comments before the race:

“This year’s cup ends with the ‘Fox’s Death’, meaning the race most of you know as the "Kastellia Marathon". On April 18th you will get the chance to cover 60 km in the mountains of Kastellia Fokidas, designed to challenge the fittest quadriceps muscles as well as your biking “attitude. This race really highlights “M” in the “MTB”!

So here I am. All set in the starting point along with 118 other brave men and 3 brave women. It’s time for self concentration with 120 heart beats in a state of physical tranquillity but emotional spin!!
The supervisor gives recommendations for a calm set off to avoid any accidents because of congestion and the final countdown has already begun. ..3, 2, 1 GO!

Quick cycling for an early boost and I’m already in the right pace almost touching the front cyclists’ wheels ..

Poorly maintained downhill ahead during the first 5 minutes with me speeding up when I realize that the street ahead is eaten away by rain in a 40m depth which unfortunately I cannot avoid..!!!!! So the first fall is an undisputed fact taking down the cyclist behind me in an even harsher fall as well !

Both of us are standing lying on the ground while the others are swerving in order to avoid us .. And this was just the beginning!!
Looking each other straight in the eyes, not feeling the slightest pain as a result of the adrenaline and the tension, we ride our bikes again .. starting the first  wild chase … risking everything..

Because of the mad the friction is poor and the driving really dangerous, which makes things even harder..
Endless uphill roads with narrow and steep paths full of vegetation, passing through streams and passages eaten away by rain in the forest.

Mud, mud, mud…my glasses are blurry because of the sweat and mud so I’m having difficulty seeing….I decide to take them off… risking once more…

The first pain in the quadriceps muscles doesn’t take long to appear..reminding me to drink more water.. Water? That moment I realize I have lost my bottle of water…
So what happens now?

Stay cool! I have to make it until the finishing line.. Patience..The canteen with water supplies can’t be too far.. I’m entering a street..

A police car has made all the necessary traffic regulations so I am riding frantically with high spirit, receiving the audience’s applause.., Approaching Pavliani, a picturesque village in Parnassos. The grade of the street; 20%
I can do it.. I can do it… A group of children living in the village were cheering running along with me for a few meters… in the uphill… Some meters further away people from the organization committee offered me water and isotonic beverages..

However, seconds after down hilling a steep while breathtaking path I felt the first cramp..I am lying on the ground feeling excruciating pain trying to stretch.. Five minutes break and I keep riding.. Just 10 km to go and the suffering will be over…
Hang in there!!

I keep riding on a steady pace and I manage to enter the village where the finishing line is..

People has started gathering, locals are cheering while offering us homemade food..a real festival.. I am feeling satisfied while sad at the same time.
Satisfaction because despite all the setbacks I finished the race with dignity and sadness as a sweet suffering, which offered me countless beautiful images and emotions, ended..

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Team members' presentation - Christina Fotinopoulou

Let’s start with the basics. I am a runner, more specifically a mountain runner and this is most probably what I will remain to be. This one time though, maaaaany maaany years ago, (I think it was on 2005) I participated in a multi race called “Pindos Challenge”.

This race included mountain running, mountain cycling and kayaking. I need to highlight the fact that throughout the race the rain was pouring, I got humongously lost twice, I was attacked by wild shepherd dogs in the middle of nowhere and finally I finished first woman in the individual category and got a cup since I was the only woman that completed the specific category.

It was at that time that I came to love cycling, however I did not get the chance to practice my inexhaustible talent. Thus, last year, when I found out that, cyclists from all over the world would cycle for charity from Milan to Dusseldorf I decided that I had to participate. Following the successful completion of this difficult task I decided this was not enough and I had to do it again this year, so I started training since Christmas. If you speak greek you can read my adventures in the magazines mbike and Runner and in my personal blog,

Ever since, I am looking for roads to practice and races to finish last. Wish me best of luck!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Team members' presentation - Nikos Tsitouras

I got my first major Cross Country Bike and swept the suburbs' plains and mountains. The feel of adrenaline when riding mountainsides and very rough paths was exactly what I was looking for! 
This means that I am actually a downhiller who recently got into a race biker's suit. But I love biking in all aspects and especially when there is a reason: like raising money for SOS Children Villages.   
I recently run across the below, which I really liked and would like to share with all you my friends:
A nerd was walking down the sidewalk one day when his friend, another nerd, rode up on an incredible shiny new bicycle.
The first nerd was stunned by his friend's sweet ride and asked, "WOW! Where did you get such a nice bike?"
The second nerd replied, "Well, yesterday I was walking home, minding my own business, when a beautiful woman rode up to me on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, 'Take what you want!'"
The second nerd nodded approvingly, "Good choice. The clothes probably wouldn't have fit."

Team members' presentation - Diana Sioumi


Team members' presentation - Kostas Tzevelekos

A year ago in Berlin I had my first experience in city cycling and that experience became life culture that follows me up today. Since then many things have changed. New job, new mentality and cycling in Athens, cycling to get to work became a daily hobby. I learned about GBI and I promised to myself “next year you will be there too”. I bought my first road bike and I started my first triathlon races. The big challenge remains the 800km in 8 days. But this is just the beginning.

Team members' presentation - Dimitris Kitsanelis

You are likely to find me in late night hours, cycling in the city or jogging in the streets. You are even likely to find me in the mountains around the city - no matter what the weather conditions are. There is no particular target. Just the will to be continuously in some kind of athletic outdoor activity.

I started of with a no-name, yellow road bike, back in the beginning of the nineties and went on with my dearest red Peugeot, doing long rides around the city and later small trips to nearby towns. These trips though, brought me closer to the mountains and the nature... My Peugeot got tired of being carried around in mountain roads and buying a mountain bike was the next step, in order to get to know the mountain roads.

I now use both bikes (a new road bike replaced the old Peugeot) and I participate in every race I see as fun and entertaining. Knowing that GBI (both in 2009 and in 2010) aims to raise charity money, it didn't take me long to decide that I have to participate every year! I did it last year and I will do it this year again!

Team members' presentation - Costis Contopoulos

Why is it that nearly all children feel this deep attraction for cycling? And why is it that most of us, as we abandon our innocent youth, forsake this childhood's desire? Or is it not forsaken, but rather concealed somewhere deep down? Is it like this children's innate tendency for drawing, and how this wears out as we grow up? I sometimes ask myself.
My story with cycling is not much different than that. I always remember my early years on a bike. And then at my late adolescence, came a time that for many years I relinquished my relation with bikes.
But I guess the flame was never lost. It was 4 years ago that I rediscovered the magic of cycling. Cycling up on the mountains, in the woods and under the shadow of dense foliage, or across rivers. There is an indescribable feeling in this thrill of biking close to the elements of nature.
It was only a matter of time that I also took up road cycling. The desire for long-distance routes, the excitement for the companionship of a riding group. A love affair was born again.
Last year I cycled from Milan to Dusseldorf, for the benefit of Global Biking Initiative 2009. We are amateurs in cycling, even if many of us take it seriously. However, a continuous 8-day riding of more than 1000km is always a challenge for all of us; which requires great reserves of will, perseverance and high spirit. An ambitious test, to prove to ourselves how much of a fighter we can be; a test for which we'll all be inspired by the thought of the children we met at the S.O.S. Children Villages, the real fighters in life.
I look forward to GBI 2010!

Team members' presentation - Yiannis Theanopoulos


Monday, 26 April 2010

Team members' presentation - Manos Gkiokas

Leaving out my childhood, when cycling was one of my favourite extracurricular activities, I took up cycling in 2007.
I took up mountain biking which requires not only being fit but having certain technical skills as well since off road biking associates with the ability to overcome obstacles of any kind while maintaining your balance.

In the first year my performance improved so much that I was able to take part in mountain biking races with an increased level of difficulty and reach the finishing line with dignity.

After that I decided to take up road biking as well. Having three mountain bikes already, in the beginning of the year I got my forth bike (a racing bike). I participated with this specific bike in 3 brevets 200, 300 and 200 km respectively.

I am ready to take part in this year’s biking initiative (Global Biking Initiative 2010) cycling from Prague to Düsseldorf, crossing over 1000 km in 8 days, aiming to raise money for SOS Children Villages.

Team members' presentation - Dionysis Alevizakis

My athletic story starts back in 2004, when I met - in my work environment - the person who would significantly change my life from then on. Without even understanding how, I slowly transformed from the cafeteria and beer guy I used to be, into an addict for outdoor athletic activities of all kinds.

It started off with climbing and buying my first bike didn't take long. It was at the end of 2006 that I bought my first mountain bike and - naturally - friends were skeptical ("at this age?", etc.). On May 2007 I participated in my first triathlon race - again under the inducement of a colleague and had my first contact with a road bike. In that race, I participated with a bike I had borrowed just a week before but the feeling of speed on a road bike convinced me that I should have one of my own. Since then, I have riden thousands of kilometers on my bikes, doing relaxed rides, training or participating in races. 

After last year's trip (Milan - Dusseldorf), which I found a personal physical and psychological test, I am happy to participate for a second year and - again - try to raise charity money for the SOS Children Villages. 

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Team members' presentation - Fragkiskos Vellis

I started cruising in the city roads with my bicycle, back on 1984. I stopped on 1990 but started again on May 2008! My target was to improve my fitness and to have fun. I soon got "stuck" with road cycling and especially with long distance cycling. Since January 2009 I systematically practice (or should I say train on) road cycling.

I participate in brevet (cycling events of at least 200 km without external help), I train on beautiful roads of Attica and neighbouring areas and - through this hobby - have made new friends, improved my physical condition and get closer to nature.

Last year's participation (GBI 2009) was a unique experience. The sense of accomplishment and the pursuit for the maximum amount to be collected for the SOS Children Villages, made me feel joy, pride and inner satisfaction. My participation in GBI 2010 has high expectations in all aspects:
  • Charity: To collect over 10,000€ as Greek team (with Vodafone Greece additional support) for SOS Children Villages of Vari
  • Cycling: To cover around 1,000 km in the 8 days of the event, with some of these days containing 200 km stages with tough climbing
  • Tourism / Fun: To cycle in some of the most beautiful courses of Czech Republic and Germany, getting the opportunity to visit small villages and cities and to experience every day lives of the locals. I just hope to find the time to take many beautiful photos, to bring them home and have lots of things to remember! 

Final countdown

This is the blog that will be used by the members of the Global Biking Initiative (GBI). GBI is a charity event, organised by Vodafone employees.

We are opening the blog today and we will use it as a communication link with our friends and followers during our preparation, during the event and after it. The event will take place on June 1st till June 8th and the team will cycle from Prague to Dusseldorf.